Simplify Content abstracting over MonadParser for no reason and provide instead an parse that's in MonadFail to avoid having to handle Either outside
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 13 additions and 17 deletions
@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ module PDF.Content (
, Id(..)
, Indexed
, TextContext
, content
, parse
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks, runReader)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, evalStateT, gets, modify, runStateT)
import Control.Monad.State (evalStateT, gets, modify)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (sepBy)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import PDF.Box (Box(..))
import PDF.Content.Operator (Instruction, operator)
import PDF.Object (blank, directObject)
import PDF.Output (Output(..), line)
import PDF.Parser (MonadParser, evalParser, string)
import PDF.Parser (Parser, runParser, string)
newtype Id a = Id Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Instructions = Instructions
@ -47,27 +47,26 @@ data Content = Content {
, indexedInstructions :: Indexed Instruction
} deriving Show
type InstructionParser m = (MonadParser m, MonadState (Indexed Instruction) m)
type InstructionParser = Parser (Indexed Instruction)
instance Monad m => Box m Instructions Content (Indexed Instruction) where
r Instructions = return . indexedInstructions
w Instructions indexedInstructions someContent =
return $ someContent {indexedInstructions}
register :: MonadState (Indexed Instruction) m => Instruction -> m (Id Instruction)
register :: Instruction -> InstructionParser (Id Instruction)
register newInstruction = do
newInstructionID <- gets (Id . Map.size)
modify (Map.insert newInstructionID newInstruction)
return newInstructionID
content :: MonadParser m => m Content
content = do
(contentUnits, indexedInstructions) <- runInstructionParser
return $ Content {contentUnits, indexedInstructions}
parse :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Content
parse =
either fail (return . uncurry Content) . runParser contentUnits Map.empty
runInstructionParser = runStateT (contentUnit `sepBy` blank) Map.empty
contentUnits = contentUnit `sepBy` blank
contentUnit :: InstructionParser m => m ContentUnit
contentUnit :: InstructionParser ContentUnit
contentUnit =
(GraphicContext <$> graphicContext)
<|> (TextContext <$> textContext)
@ -75,21 +74,18 @@ contentUnit =
graphicContext =
string "q" *> blank *> graphicContextUnit `sepBy` blank <* blank <* string "Q"
graphicContextUnit :: InstructionParser m => m GraphicContextUnit
graphicContextUnit :: InstructionParser GraphicContextUnit
graphicContextUnit =
(GraphicInstruction <$> instruction)
<|> (ContentUnit <$> contentUnit)
instruction :: InstructionParser m => m (Id Instruction)
instruction :: InstructionParser (Id Instruction)
instruction = evalStateT stackParser [] >>= register
stackParser = ((directObject <* blank) >>= push) <|> operator
push arg = modify (arg:) *> stackParser
parse :: ByteString -> Either String Content
parse = evalParser content ()
textContext :: InstructionParser m => m TextContext
textContext :: InstructionParser TextContext
textContext =
string "BT" *> blank *> instruction `sepBy` blank <* blank <* string "ET"
Reference in a new issue