Implement 'w' for Box m Chunks Content (Indexed Text)
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1 changed files with 54 additions and 4 deletions
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module PDF.Content.Text (
, chunk
, format
, renderText
) where
@ -14,8 +15,12 @@ module PDF.Content.Text (
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader(..), ReaderT, asks, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..), StateT, evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.State (
MonadState(..), StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify, runStateT
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Data.Id (Id(..), Indexed, at, empty, singleton)
import qualified Data.Id as Id (delete, lookup, register)
import Data.Map ((!))
import Data.Text (Text, breakOn)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (drop)
@ -38,6 +43,9 @@ data ROContext = ROContext {
type TextContent m = ReaderT ROContext m
type FontContext m = StateT Font (TextContent m)
type Updater m = StateT (Indexed Instruction) (ReaderT (Indexed Text) (ReaderT FontSet m))
type TextUpdater m = StateT Font (Updater m)
decodeString :: MonadFail m => StringObject -> FontContext m Text
decodeString input = do
Font {decode} <- get
@ -45,11 +53,19 @@ decodeString input = do
data Chunks = Chunks
chunk :: Int -> Id Text
chunk = Id
instance MonadFail m => Box (ReaderT FontSet m) Chunks Content (Indexed Text) where
r Chunks content = do
fontSet <- ask
renderText fontSet content
w Chunks indexedText (Content.Content {contentUnits, Content.indexedInstructions}) =
uncurry Content.Content <$> runReaderT (
runStateT (mapM updateContentUnit contentUnits) indexedInstructions
) indexedText
renderText :: MonadFail m => FontSet -> Content -> m (Indexed Text)
renderText fontSet (Content.Content {contentUnits, Content.indexedInstructions}) =
runReaderT (mconcat <$> mapM renderContentUnit contentUnits) roContext
@ -62,17 +78,32 @@ renderContentUnit (GraphicContext graphicContextUnits) =
renderContentUnit (TextContext instructionIds) =
evalStateT (mconcat <$> mapM renderInstructionId instructionIds) emptyFont
updateContentUnit :: MonadFail m => ContentUnit -> Updater m ContentUnit
updateContentUnit (GraphicContext graphicContextUnits) = GraphicContext <$>
mapM updateGraphicContextUnit graphicContextUnits
updateContentUnit (TextContext instructionIds) = TextContext . concat <$>
evalStateT (mapM updateInstructionId instructionIds) emptyFont
renderGraphicContextUnit :: MonadFail m => GraphicContextUnit -> TextContent m (Indexed Text)
renderGraphicContextUnit (GraphicInstruction _) = return empty
renderGraphicContextUnit (ContentUnit contentUnit) =
renderContentUnit contentUnit
updateGraphicContextUnit :: MonadFail m => GraphicContextUnit -> Updater m GraphicContextUnit
updateGraphicContextUnit gI@(GraphicInstruction _) = return gI
updateGraphicContextUnit (ContentUnit contentUnit) =
ContentUnit <$> updateContentUnit contentUnit
renderInstructionId :: MonadFail m => Id Instruction -> FontContext m (Indexed Text)
renderInstructionId instructionId@(Id n) = toMap <$>
(asks ((`at` instructionId) . indexedInstructions) >>= renderInstruction)
toMap = maybe empty (singleton (Id n))
updateInstructionId :: MonadFail m => Id Instruction -> TextUpdater m [Id Instruction]
updateInstructionId instructionId =
lift (gets (`at` instructionId)) >>= updateInstruction instructionId
renderInstruction :: MonadFail m => Instruction -> FontContext m (Maybe Text)
renderInstruction (Text Tf, [NameObject fontName, _]) =
asks ((! fontName) . fontSet) >>= put >> return Nothing
@ -97,13 +128,32 @@ renderInstruction (Text DQuote, [_, _, StringObject outputString]) =
renderInstruction _ = return Nothing
format :: (MonadFail m, MonadReader Font m) => Text -> m [Instruction]
format input =
updateInstruction :: MonadFail m => Id Instruction -> Instruction -> TextUpdater m [Id Instruction]
updateInstruction instructionId (Text Tf, [NameObject fontName, _]) =
(lift . lift . lift $ asks (!fontName)) >>= put >> return [instructionId]
updateInstruction instructionId@(Id n) instruction = do
if emitsText $ fst instruction
then asks (Id.lookup (Id n)) >>= replaceText
else return [instructionId]
emitsText (Text Tstar) = True
emitsText (Text TJ) = True
emitsText (Text Tj) = True
emitsText (Text Quote) = True
emitsText (Text DQuote) = True
emitsText _ = False
replaceText = maybe (return []) $ \text -> do
lift $ modify (Id.delete instructionId)
format text >>= mapM (lift . Id.register)
format :: MonadFail m => Text -> StateT Font m [Instruction]
format input = do
case breakOn "\n" input of
("", "") -> return []
("", left) -> ((Text Tstar, []) :) <$> format (Text.drop 1 left)
(line, left) -> (:) <$> tj line <*> format left
tj t = do
literal <- either fail (return . Literal) =<< asks (($t) . encode)
literal <- either fail (return . Literal) =<< gets (($t) . encode)
return (Text Tj, [StringObject literal])
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