Add Box instances to allow handling some exceptions in monad and converting them to Traversable accessible from the data part of the type

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Tissevert 2020-02-27 17:22:12 +01:00
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commit d90eaf6f1c

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@ -3,21 +3,27 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module PDF.Box (
, I(..)
, Index(..)
, Maybe_(..)
, Either_(..)
, at
, atAll
, edit
) where
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (insert, lookup, member)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
newtype I = I Int
newtype Index = Index Int
newtype Maybe_ x = Maybe_ x
newtype Either_ b x = Either_ x
class Monad m => Box m i a b | m a i -> b where
r :: i -> a -> m b
@ -32,17 +38,14 @@ atAll i f = at i $ (mapM f)
edit :: MonadState a m => (a -> m a) -> m ()
edit f = get >>= f >>= put
instance MonadFail m => Box m I [a] a where
r (I i) = getAt i
getAt _ [] = fail $ "Index out of bounds " ++ show i
getAt 0 (x:_) = return x
getAt k (_:xs) = getAt (k+1) xs
w (I i) newX = setAt i
setAt _ [] = fail $ "Index out of bounds " ++ show i
setAt 0 (_:xs) = return (newX:xs)
setAt k (x:xs) = (x:)<$>(setAt (k-1) xs)
instance MonadFail m => Box m Index [a] a where
r (Index i) [] = fail $ "Index out of bounds " ++ show i
r (Index 0) (x:_) = return x
r (Index i) (_:xs) = r (Index (i-1)) xs
w (Index i) _ [] = fail $ "Index out of bounds " ++ show i
w (Index 0) newX (_:xs) = return (newX:xs)
w (Index i) newX (x:xs) = (x:) <$> w (Index (i-1)) newX xs
instance (Ord k, MonadFail m) => Box m k (Map k a) a where
r k = maybe (fail "Unknown key") return . Map.lookup k
@ -50,3 +53,15 @@ instance (Ord k, MonadFail m) => Box m k (Map k a) a where
| Map.member k aMap =
return $ Map.insert k a aMap
| otherwise = fail "Unknown key"
instance (Monad m, Box Maybe i a b) => Box m (Maybe_ i) a (Maybe b) where
r (Maybe_ i) = return . r i
w (Maybe_ i) (Just b) a =
return . maybe a id $ w i b a
w _ _ obj = return obj
instance (Monad m, Box (ExceptT e m) i a b) => Box m (Either_ e i) a (Either e b) where
r (Either_ i) a = runExceptT (r i a)
w (Either_ i) (Right b) a =
either (const a) id <$> runExceptT (w i b a :: ExceptT e m a)
w _ _ a = return a