# Génévée A merovingian king/queen name generator. Beyond its (let's face it, limited) intrinsic usefulness, this project is primarily meant to demonstrate a web front-end development workflow using [SJW](https://git.marvid.fr/Tissevert/SJW) and [guix](https://guix.gnu.org/). ## Dependences The following instructions hence assumes that you already have `guix` installed. Regarding `SJW`, it is available from the [loom](https://git.marvid.fr/Tissevert/loom) guix channel. Depending on how you chose to make it available, the following lines could be slightly different but to avoid luring you with some irrealistic simplicity, we will assume in what follows that you have cloned the `loom` channel in a sibling folder from this repository, so that its root is located at `../loom` relatively to this repository. The syntax will be lighter if you add the `loom` to your known guix channels. ## Build from a local clone of this repository (hacking) The Génévée website can be built with this line: ```sh $ guix shell -L ../loom -D -f guix.scm -- make ``` This is of course a one liner, but if you're actually working on an improvement you'll probably want to spawn a development environment with: ```sh $ guix shell -L ../loom -D -f guix.scm ``` You improve the code in your favourite text editor, and from time to time when you want to see your changes applied you simply recompile the site with `make` in the previously-spawned shell environment: ```sh [env]$ make ``` which will create or refresh `main.js`. Alternatively if your editor handles compilation, calling `make` from some button or shortcut, you probably just want to run it from an enriched environment containing it plus the requirements for this package: ```sh $ guix shell -L ../loom -D -f guix.scm emacs -- emacs ``` Simply opening the `index.html` from your browser lets you see your changes and work on them. On more complex projects requiring a back-end, you'll want to add a web server to your own environment and point it to your working copy. You can of course draw inspiration from the [deployment](#deploy) section below, but respawning a VM each time you edit a line is by no means practical so even if your development server lives in a container or virtual machine, you'll be better off directly writing to the source files it hosts as long as your tweaking the code. ## Prepare for distribution (checking) You're becoming satisfied with your improvement and are seriously considering to submit a patch. You commit all your changes and build this site as any regular `guix` package the usual way: ```sh $ guix build -L ../loom -f guix.scm ``` The site's files are directly at the root of the directory which path is displayed by the previous command right before it returns (your hash will be different and that's ok): ```sh … /gnu/store/f2w493gg7cn94dgbx8dyg2fr0srxm8qa-genevee-0.1.0 $ ls /gnu/store/f2w493gg7cn94dgbx8dyg2fr0srxm8qa-genevee-0.1.0 index.html main.js scribish.ttf style.css ``` Building the site this way helps you make sure that you haven't forgotten any implicit dependency, for instance if you have introduced a new `SJW` library in the code and forgot to add it in Génévée's [`native-input` field](https://guix.gnu.org/fr/manual/devel/en/html_node/package-Reference.html) in `guix.scm`. If the content of this directory works as expected and is up to your standards, on to pushing the commit or sending a patch. Otherwise edit, `commit --amend`, rinse and repeat. ## Deploy ! Maybe you're used to seeing usual UNIX programs built with `guix` and you expect the content of a `/gnu/store` package's root to look like a profile with the usual `bin/`, `etc/`, `share/`, etc. directories. The cool thing with the above structure is that the package becomes directly useful as a kind of symbolic reference to a given state of the site's source. ### To a guix system Suppose you want to host it on a `guix` server. All you have to do is add a web server service to its configuration, nginx for the sake of the example, and point a location to the `genevee` package itself: ```guile (define genevee (load "guix.scm")) ``` … ```guile (service nginx-service-type (nginx-configuration (server-blocks (list (nginx-server-configuration (root genevee)))))) ``` In fact, have you noticed the `genevee-in-a-vm.scm` in this repository ? This few lines are actually enough to let you spin a local demo of a server hosting Génévée in virtually (ahah) no time. ```sh $ `guix system vm -L ../loom genevee-in-a-vm.scm` -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci,hostfwd=tcp::8000-:80 ``` Once the VM is up, visit [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000) to admire your local instance of Génévée. ### Anywhere else The target server where you want to deploy Génévée is the last remaining part of your fleet not (yet) running `guix` ? That's too bad but don't worry, you can still benefit from this structure and use the cool script `deploy.sh` (included). Assuming you SSH into your host at `my.vps.net`, and you want to put Génévée into, say, `/srv/httpd/Génévée/` — where you have write access — simply call: ```sh ./deploy.sh my.vps.net:/srv/httpd/Génévée ``` Of course this just calls `rsync` with the path expanded from the evaluation of `guix build` like above. Adapt to taste when you use a different protocol to sync into production.