Implement the messaging module for good using the async monad for message reception

This commit is contained in:
Tissevert 2018-12-02 19:49:57 +01:00
parent 0ec7c4d1ee
commit aa6fe74a6b

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@ -1,55 +1,45 @@
function Messaging() {
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + window.location.hostname + '/play/');
var keepAlivePeriod = 20000;
var routes = {callbacks: [], children: {}};
var receiveHook;
var queue = []
ws.addEventListener('message', messageListener);
return {
addEventListener: addEventListener,
send: send,
start: start
function get(obj, path, write) {
write = write || false;
if(path.length < 1) {
return obj;
} else {
if(obj.children[path[0]] == undefined && write) {
obj.children[path[0]] = {callbacks: [], children: {}};
if(obj.children[path[0]] != undefined) {
return get(obj.children[path[0]], path.slice(1), write);
} else {
return null;
function addEventListener(path, callback) {
var route = get(routes, path, true);
receive: receive,
send: send
function messageListener(event) {
var o = JSON.parse(;
var path = [];
var tmp = o;
while(tmp != undefined && tmp.tag != undefined) {
tmp = tmp.message;
var route = get(routes, path);
if(route != undefined && route.callbacks != undefined) {
route.callbacks.forEach(function(f) {f(o);});
if(o.tag == "Error") {
} else {
debug.textContent =;
if(receiveHook != undefined) {
} else {
function start() {
addEventListener(["Pong"], ping);
ws.addEventListener('message', messageListener);
function receive(predicate) {
predicate = predicate || function() {return true;};
return function(f) {
for(var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(predicate(queue[i])) {
return f(queue.splice(i, 1)[0]);
receiveHook = function(message) {
if(predicate(message)) {
receiveHook = null;
} else {
function send(o) {